pix - simple web based gallery system

summary | features | users | developers | screen shots


pix is a hacker-friendly, online picture gallery system written in
python. it has minimal features but also minimal complexity and external dependencies. it uses your directories to organize pictures, creates and caches thumbnails and web friendly image sizes as well.

pix is very transparent in that it doesn't bend over backwards to map the file system reality to what you want your image gallery to look like. pix works with what is there, no more, no less.

i wrote pix because i had too much trouble using other gallery systems. they had too many features. some of the simpler open source gallery systems are lacking in aesthetics, my goal was to come up with something simple but attractive and easy enough to use.


here's a couple screen shots of pix in action, gives you a pretty good idea what's going on.


user in this context is defined as the person that downloads pix and wants to install it on their website and post pictures that they own.

don't use pix if...

last points about pix

okay, you still think you want to use pix, here is how you get going.


if you'd like to tweak pix you'll find that it's incredibly simple. pix is less than 300 lines of code right now.

some very simple things you can change in the code

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